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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

 Tsunami Rose Designs Links  

  • Etsy Shop

    I was one of the lucky ones to be chosen to design with Tsunami Rose (Daisy Collins) Motherly love. I created a wonderful mothers day album using her printables.
    My cover i used free printable online and some black lace i bough at a yard sale. The charm was on clearance at micheals. Also used some flowers from 99 Cent bin.

    Another free printable from online and leftover Martha Stewart Stickers and more lace adored with black bling on outside

    Daisy Collins made the beautiful  postcard which i printed on glossy paper . Also left spots so they could insert photos , journalism whatever they please.

    Dasiy Flower I made into a tag far right printed also on Glossy paper and free mum sayings printed from online.

    Another page i printed Quote from online

    Mason Jar and tag at top are from Daisy Printable as well
     another page

    So go and check out her page and others who completed this wonderful Printout by Daisy Collins Motherly Love ! Thanks Til next time , Jennifer

Thursday, March 28, 2013

What ive been up to..

Well working on cards for Marcos swap group . I did a rose with your an amazing person on them . We had to do a spring card. also worked on spring atcs for blue swap on page scrapbook swap. As well as worked on mothers day paper piecing ( did a ribbon with mom printed on it and bought at for 6.99 and has few mothers day things) also did a title kinda says happy mothers day on like an atc card . So been busy  heres a few pics

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Tsunamirosedesigns Design team challange number 3

Blog Badge: Tsunami Rose Designs Wednesday Challenge Badge: Tsunami Rose Challenges DT Blog Badge: Tsunami Rose Designs

PhotoBeautiful cover

PhotoPhotoPhotoAll these beautiful pages were designed by Tsunami Rose Designs here links are above. We had to use a color scheme ( can be seen here ----
 ) and these colors were all done on her pages. Exquiste work Daisy as always .

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Card Sketch DT

Tsunami Rose Designs Tsunami Rose Challenges Tsunami Rose Designs

Inside of card says live each day with wings of hope and roots of  faith 

I used a tac and did a border its a beautiful card 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Design team Tsunami Rose

Tsunami Rose Links                                   

front of journal with two tabs swaps and notes 
back of journal 
I paid 14.99 and you get about 25 papers .  For my project today i did a journal for new beginnings new year -- hehe. So I took a book and recycled it. A dairy from michelas dollar section .  Sorry its sideways cant get it to turn but isnt it beatuful. I left it empty cause one of my goals is to be more organized so put to tabs which she created too and put swaps and notes on them .

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Clintons workshop

Havent been on for a while so todays lesson is The chew. Anyone watch the show love the Clintons workshop heres some videos :
Watch this super cute -- gonna make some trays and see how they work maybe some balls too. Merry Christmas

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Today since im stamping for a swap in my Scrapbook swap group todays lesson is 
Cleaning Your Stamps
Picture this . . .You've just contaminated your yellow stamp pad with blue ink after forgetting to clean off your stamp. That's one reason why it is a good idea to get into the habit of cleaning your stamps after each use, especially when changing colors.
The handiest method for cleaning stamps is with a bottle of stamp cleaner with a scrubber or roll-on applicator top. Apply the cleaner directly to the stamp, and then scrub it off onto a household sponge. Blot the stamp dry with a paper towel.
Another method of cleaning stamps is to rub them over the surface of a damp sponge. A cellulose sponge works best because it does not break down or "lint up" your stamps. The sponge may be dampened with plain water, or a drop or two of dish soap can be added. Keep the sponge in a plastic container with a cover so it's ready at all times. Occasionally rinse the sponge out in water. This method of cleaning works well for water-soluble inks.
Alcohol-free baby wipes also work well for cleaning stamps.
S T A M P I N '   T I P S
  • If you will always be using the same color of ink with a stamp, there is no need to clean it.
  • Learn the difference between "clean" and "stain-free". Certain types of ink will stain the rubber die of your stamp. Memories ink, because of its superior quality, does not readily come completely off the rubber surface of the stamp. Clean the stamp as thoroughly as possible and do not be concerned if a stain remains. It will not affect the stamping quality of your stamp, and it can be used with any of the light shades of ink, without polluting the next pad.
  • Reds, yellows and oranges can often be tapped away on scratch paper
    without further cleaning. You may also get rid of excess ink this way
    before cleaning a stamp.
  • Do not soak your rubber stamps in water to clean them. It will loosen the adhesive. Taken from website